Saturday, October 11, 2008

Limbic Hijacking

In my daily living circles are those with whom disagree on the "Big American Issues". I know this by seeing political stickers on cars parked outside buildings where I am interacting with the owners of those cars. I overhear conversations between acquaintances who disagree on choices for president. I engage in conversations with others about our government's decisions and actions in response to current economic problems. But, none of these interactions is volatile, nor filled with anger, threats and abuse. I might feel discouraged, disappointed or even a littled pissed off. But, I never feel unsafe in these conversations. Contrast this to the rage we hear expressed from members of audiences during political speeches. The vitriol borders on insanity. Maybe it's already across the border. I worry less about these expressions of rage and more about the limbic brain hijacking these behaviors reflect.

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