Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Cognitive Hijacking at the Hospital

The Institute for Safe Medication Practices studies doctor road rage in the hospital. The NYT reports; "40 percent of hospital staff members reported having been so intimidated by a doctor that they did not share their concerns about orders for medication that appeared to be incorrect. As a result, 7 percent said they contributed to a medication error...Every nurse has a story about obnoxious doctors. A few say they have ducked scalpels thrown across the operating room by angry surgeons. More frequently, though, they are belittled, insulted or yelled at — often in front of patients and other staff members — and made to feel like the bottom of the food chain."
Are there organizations more loaded up with anxiety than hospitals? These are places where sick people and their worried families hope for life saving help. Emotional triangles are created. And medical personnel, with litte or no understanding of emotional triangles, succumb to the anxiety.


Anonymous said...

We as leaders in healthcare are complicit in this culture of fear. What a sad state that a patient's safety is sacrificed because we are unwilling to maintain a safe (emotional and physical) environment for all staff. This is an important wake up call, even though we already know it.

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